Jul 3, 2017

My first forty

    A couple days ago i reached the ripe old age of 40.  In my 40 years I have learned alot and i'm sure I still have lots to learn. I've become cynical of some things and i've become more thankful for others. In this post I want share some of the lessons i've learned and encourage you to not make the same mistakes I have. In the last couple years of selling used auto parts i've learned alot about people.
     Lesson number one: A person who takes the time to tell you how honest they are, how their word is unbreakable and how they would never back out on a deal no matter what - that person will lie to you and rob you. A truly honest person will not go into trying to convince you of their righteousness.
     Lesson number two: Pictures. Asking for more pictures. When someone sees your ad on a website for an item he is interested in and asks for more pictures do not give them. Just make sure you have a couple decent pictures in the ad and a truthful description in the first place. He is looking for a reason NOT to come and purchase your item. These guys wear me out and i've taken to mostly ignoring them. Especially if their first statement is some thing like : Do you ever come to Saskatoon? This person doesn't want your item very badly and you would do better to find a different buyer. It just takes time.
    Lesson number three: Focus on doing one thing the best you can. I see alot of young guys in the car hobby who buy tons of cars and dump some money into them all then end up with a whole lot of nothing. A bunch of junk and none of it done right. Not fast, not good looking, not good handling, not good on fuel and not reliable. In short it doesn't do anything very well. If it was 2 of the above list it would be worth it. Also kids buy what happens to be easily available and not what they really might want. Then a short while down the road they want rid of it after they've spent a few thousand dollars on it and have had nothing but trouble. They don't stick it through because they never really liked the car in the first place. I've heard it said so many times that this car is "My dream car" yet that can change in about 5 minutes when another option shows itself.
   Lesson number four: God is good and he is in control. People experience pain and heartbreak all around me all the time. They question if God is good and who is in control. God's perspective is not like ours. God is not like us. I'm thankful for that. If God was like men, he couldn't be trusted. He would seek revenge. He would not show mercy. He would lie, cheat and steal.  People reject God, brag about their own righteousness and claim they are in control. They do not trust God or humble themselves before him. The Bible says that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. This is a major key in our relationship with God. Do you feel that God is your enemy or your friend? Check your pride. God is my heavenly father and i've learned that a father does certain things. He protects his family. He disciplines his children. He gives and he takes away. He gives them what they want - if its good for them. He may not feel the need to keep them informed of his every move but tells them what they need to know when they need to know it. He loves them. As a child of God I also have responsibilities to my heavenly father. To obey. To listen, To respect. To honor. To be thankful.
  This broken down world is falling apart all around us. Don't delay any longer to repent of yours sins and humble yourself to God. Believe in him. The death of Jesus on the cross satisfied the justice of God for the breaking of his law which we do all the time. Now is the time of salvation. There will be day when everyone will be judged and held responsible for their actions. We want justice for others. Yet we have a way of thinking we will be exempt. Only those that have forsaken their own goodness and trusted in Jesus Christ will receive eternal life on that day.

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